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What is Inbound Marketing? + Practical Examples

Updated: May 15, 2022

Did you know? More than 700 million people use ad-blocking technology. So, while your marketing plan may depend on pushing out content, it could fail because some people go to great lengths to ignore ads. How can you get them to pay attention to you? Two words: inbound marketing.

What’s Inbound Marketing?

In the past, people responded to salespeople and enjoyed having things sold to them. But eventually, they got tired of the random cold calls, email campaigns, and whatnot. Rather than attract people, these outbound marketing tactics only annoyed them. So, they stopped picking up calls and invested in ad-blocking tech.

Thus, inbound marketing was born – means to attract customers by pulling them towards you rather than pushing them away. And how do you do this?

  • Attraction: First, you must determine your target market as part of your growth marketing strategy. Then produce content that targets that market at the top of the funnel using educational content. And distribute it using SEO marketing and social media ads. For example, if you sell mattresses, you can develop blogs and videos that teach people how to choose mattresses. That gives value to your market, prompting them to interact with your website, blog, and other channels.

  • Conversion: What happens when your target market responds to your content marketing strategy and lands on your page or website? It’s time to establish a relationship with them. And you do this by using forms and landing pages through which you can get their data in exchange for more content. Also, use calls to action to act on your products. E.g., BUY NOW.

  • Engagement & Closing: It’s now time to close the deal by nurturing your leads. How? Encourage them to make that purchase using launch offers, free trials, SEM, social media ads, etc. At this point, the client is ready to convert into a sale and needs a bit of a nudge. Just remember, do not to sell solutions but products, so you ensure you are adding value to your clients.

  • Delighting: Customer relationship management does not end at a sale. Instead, you must keep nurturing your relationship with past and present clients by interacting with them. How? – Through social media, loyalty programs, surveys, collecting feedback, etc. This level of care prompts clients to develop user-generated content in your favor.

Don’t forget to set up your KPIs first before creating an inbound marketing strategy. Else, you will not know if your plan is a success or not.

Download your Inbound Marketing guide today. Contact us!

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